A numerical model was developed to analyse the mechanical behaviour of fresh, 3D printed concrete, in the range of 0 to 90 min after material deposition. The model was based on a time-dependent Mohr-Coulomb failure criterion and linear stress-strain behaviour up to failure. An experimental program, consisting of unconfined uniaxial compression tests and direct shear tests, was set-up and performed to obtain the required material properties. The material tests showed that the Young's modulus and cohesion linearly increase with fresh concrete age, as do the compressive and shear strength. The Poisson's ratio and angle of internal friction, on the other hand, remain constant. Subsequently, the model was validated by comparison to printing experiments. Modelling of the printed samples reproduced the experimental results qualitatively, but the quantitative agreement with the print experiments could be improved. However, the deviations can well be explained and the type of failure-deformation mode was predicted accurately.