Forests are among the most important ecosystems that provide various hydrological services including water production and protection because the vast majority of the water available on the earth comes from forested catchments. The forests provide quality and continuous water yield as well as protective services such as flood control, soil protection, landslide protection, avalanche protection, and prevention against rock falls, which are related to water. However, the quality and quantity of all the forest functions are influenced by forest ecosystem structure and composition such as forest type, tree species, age class distribution, biomass, leaf area, basal area, crown closure, and stand development stages. This study provides an assessment of hydrological services of forest ecosystems through the systematic review of relevant literature till 2018. It mainly focuses on water-forest relations and explains how forest ecosystem structure and composition affect water production, quality, and sustainability. Then, a general framework relating to the integration of hydrological services into forest management is concluded in the context of sustainable management of natural resources.