Background: Despite the popularity of shisha smoking and electronic cigarette smoking practices among Arab and Middle East countries, the knowledge and awareness of the deleterious effects of these habits have never been investigated among the Saudi population. Objective: This study aimed to assess and compare the knowledge and awareness of the effects of Shisha and electronic cigarette smoking on the oral health of Saudi dental patients. Subjects and Methods: This observational, cross-sectional study was conducted among 200 dental patients attending university dental clinics in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. A self-administered, survey-based questionnaire with questions on the effects of Shisha, electronic cigarettes, and dual smoking on oral health was distributed among smokers and non-smokers. Statistical analysis was performed using descriptive statistics and Chi-square tests. Statistical significance was determined at p<0.05. Results: A total of 200 participants responded to a cross-sectional study conducted between January 2020 and July 2020. Majority of the participants were males (n=129, 64.5.%) than females (n=71,35.5%). There were 22 (11%) non-smokers, 85 (42.5%) shisha smokers, 59 (29.5%) electronic cigarette smokers, and 34 (17%) dual smokers (Shisha and electronic cigarette). The majority (n=151, 75.5%) of the participants were higher educated with post-graduation and graduation degrees. Shisha (n=57, 67.1%) and dual smokers (67.6%) were aware that smoking causes oral cancer. However, 44% of Electronic cigarette smokers disagreed. The detrimental health effects reported by the participants were cancer and white-coated tongue. The majority (64.7%) of the dual smokers shared smoking with families and friends. Conclusion: In this study, non-smokers and smokers with higher education, showed more knowledge and awareness of the deleterious effects of smoking on oral health than the lower educated dental patients.