Background Electronic health records (EHRs)' purpose is to facilitate the documentation of patient data and to improve the exchange of information between the professionals involved in a patient's care. Aims To investigate occupational health (OH) physicians' experiences of EHRs and the factors hampering work. Methods An electronic questionnaire was sent to physicians working in OH services in April 2017 and a total of 342 OH physicians participated in the study. The results were reported as quantities and percentages. The survey text was analysed using data-driven content analysis. Results The respondents considered their EHR stable in terms of technical features but the routine tasks with EHR were not straightforward. Also, the documentation of patient data for statistical purposes took an unreasonable amount of time and the access to patient data from other organizations was poor. Instead, a well-functioning feature of EHRs were electronic prescriptions. The factors, which hampered respondents' work, were constant or frequent time pressure, too little time to do their job properly and a stress caused by uncompleted tasks. Conclusions This study showed that the usability problems of EHRs were the slowness, unexpected downtimes and difficulties in obtaining patient data. Also, respondents felt very often a lack of time in their work. OH physicians' work is best supported by EHRs that consider their specific role in healthcare, i.e. the assessment of work ability, the co-ordination of care and rehabilitation and support for return to work.