Based on ambient air quality data of the four key cities (Nanning, Liuzhou, Guilin, and Beihai) in Guangxi, China, along with an analysis of the main emission sources, topographic features, weather conditions, and backward trajectories, the variation of main air pollutants and pollution episodes in the four cities were studied. Results showed that air pollution was most serious in Liuzhou and Guilin, followed by Nanning and Beihai. PM2.5 was the dominant pollutant in each city, followed by O-3, PM10, and NO2. Concentrations of SO2 and CO did not exceed their National Ambient Air Quality Standard Grade II limit values. In the cities, the concentrations of PM2.5, PM10, NO2, and SO2 were high during fall and winter and low during spring and summer, while the concentrations of O-3 were high during fall and low during the other seasons. Concentrations of CO were low during summer and high during the other seasons in Nanning and Liuzhou, while they were high during spring and winter and low during summer and fall in Guilin and Beihai. In these cities, pollution episodes resulted mainly from stagnant accumulation and showed characteristics of regional pollution. However, pollution levels and durations for each city were different due to differences in main pollution sources, local geography, and weather conditions. The influences of air masses on the four cities were similar. They were mainly influenced by local emission sources in the spring, while during autumn, long-distance transportation from Hunan and Hubei was significant. In winter, air pollution in Nanning and Beihai was mostly affected by local emission sources, and that in Liuzhou and Guilin was mainly affected by long-distance transportation from the south and northeast of Guangxi.