Romania stands out among the members of the European Union through the diversity and richness of its natural environment. The mountain areas are the basis for the creation and development of Natura 2000 Ecological Network in Romania. This is a European network of protected natural areas, covering a representative sample of wild species and natural habitats of community interest. At the same time, in our country, most mountain areas fall into the category of rural and disadvantaged areas. Their development is a special challenge, as it has to guarantee social and economic progress while preserving the biodiversity and also the integrity of Natura 2000 Ecological Network, leading to sustainable development. The aim of the present paper is to provide information on the national legal framework created for the period 2014 - 2020 and on the opportunities offered by the development of rural areas. At the same time, the aim is to identify the risks posed by the economic development of these areas which are so important from the point of view of their biodiversity and landscape. The activity of information and research is based on statistical data gathered from official sources and specialized literature, the analysis and interpretation of these data, the SWOT analysis for the implementation of the development strategy. The main surface resource of the mountain areas is the forest, which constitutes both the ecological support for the development of wildlife resources, specific wild flora and fauna, and the ecological support for maintaining and developing the quality of the air in the area. In addition, important surfaces in mountain areas are covered by pastures and hay meadows, natural springs, important underground resources and some agricultural areas; all of these appear in a geographical disposition which is specific for this landform, which makes them hardly accessible and totally different from the point of view of their landscape. Thus, man's natural necessity of exploiting these natural resources clashes with the necessity to protect as much as possible what nature offers so generously. The aim of sustainable development is precisely the long-term preservation of these natural treasures, for enabling future generations to enjoy them as well. The SWOT analysis, made on the development strategy for mountain areas for the period 2014 2020, focused on the factual situation and the legal provisions, concluded that it is necessary to develop the mountain areas, especially their infrastructure, but that caution is needed throughout this process, for preserving the traditions and the cultural and natural patrimony of the areas.