The Tokamak Complex will accommodate the ITER tokamak and some of the plant systems needed for the machine operation. In order to obtain radiation maps in the Tokamak Complex, a new MCNP model was released on September 2016. This model, based on a conservative representation of the latest baseline design, represents a version controlled, computationally stable, user-friendly and easy-to-update and maintain MCNP input of the Tokamak Complex. Every modification of the initial CAD models was reviewed, recorded and version controlled. The MCNP model of the Tokamak Complex uses the most stable MCNP geometry implementations, avoiding the use of universes and macrobodies. The input exhibits a low particle loss rate (< 10(-9))when running in void with a dispersed isotropic source. It is strongly organized and profusely commented. Information about the level, building, room, system and material is provided in the definition of every cell. The 36862 cells and 57085 surfaces are arranged by levels and by buildings. The cells are also arranged by rooms and by systems, resulting in a room-oriented organization of the model, which allows an easy isolation of every room.