The present research, supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness [EDU2015-64562-R] is designed in order to explain how teaching Emotional Intelligence Competences in Higher Education. In fact, the emotional skills teaching have been growing in importance around the world for decades. Higher Education policy on emotional intelligence provides all overview of the research areas of emotional; intelligence, social and emotional learning, and character education. So, this article analyzes how the abilities of the intelligence could develop with an advanced training cross-cultural course on emotional intelligence by e-learning systems. Emotionally intelligent people are defined in part as those who regulate their emotions according to a logically consistent model of academic and cognitive functioning. Students who are good at connecting thoughts to feelings may better ''hear'' the emotional implications of their own thoughts, as well as understand the feelings of others from what they say. In fact, some forms of emotional problem solving require emotional openness as well as general intelligence. In this way, we are trying to maintain and enhance the quality of Higher Education at a high level, and to act as a major driving force for the development of quality assurance across several countries in order to develop and share good practice on emotional competence training. The results suggested that Emotional Intelligence key skills are relevant in order to develop a curriculum for Excellence in Higher Education. To conclude, developing emotional competence into students training programs and university curriculum in Higher Education operating in e-learning environments can assist in order to get institutional strategic objectives. By holding to this concept, the creativity factor can be enhanced in order to improve the process of teaching an emotional competence by curriculum designers. The uses of this emotional training on virtual learning community have contributed to facilitating the learning process in general and engagement and hardiness skills in particular. It affects students' attitude toward personal and academic skills positively. Students became more motivated to daily challenges than previously. In addition, the teamwork competence, the managing change and students' social skills are also expanded. So, the emotional competence could be integrated in academic curriculum because emotional well-being is considered a predictor of success in personal and professional life. The implications of these results for the incorporation emotional competencies into the university curriculum are discussed.