This study's prime objective examines the impacts of entrepreneurial self-efficacy, social culture, and education on entrepreneurial intentions among Saudi Women. Additionally, this study has also examined the mediating role of gender role stereotyping in the relationship between entrepreneurial self-efficacy, social culture, and the education and the entrepreneurial intentions among Saudi Women. The study has employed surveys-based, using questionnaires. The females with entrepreneurship startups during the last three years have chosen as a final sample. The SEM-PLS is employed as a research tool. The findings indicate that entrepreneurial self-efficacy has a significant impact on the entrepreneurial intention among Saudi females. The gender role stereotyping, culture and education all appear as a significant determinant of entrepreneurial intention among Saudi females. The study has highlighted the women contributed to the growth of the economy through establishing SMEs and the creation of jobs. A gap has been identified in existing literature irrespective of the significance of attitudes in entrepreneurial actions, intentions, and success. The study is among the pioneer study on the issues related to gender role stereotyping, culture, and entrepreneurial intention among Saudi females. Disciplinary: Management Sciences, Woman Studies. (C)2020 INT TRANS J ENG MANAG SCI TECH.