World Digital Charity Organization of Rumah Zakat manages zakat, infaq, sadaqah, and social fund through community empowerment programs. Nowadays, an analysis is essential to determine the proper assistance needed by a community as the assistance recipient, whether it is in the form of education, health, economic, or environment assistance. Currently, the provision of aid funds is always not on target due to several reasons. All this time the method applied is First In, First Service, which gives the assumption that not every condition of the assistance-applicants who register earlier would be treated as the top priority to be processed. Therefore, this study aims to determine how appropriate the grants can be given to applicants. Therefore, this study aims to determine how appropriate grants can be given to applicants. To achieve this goal, we use the rough set method to filter several essential parameters in granting grants.The rough set method is a piece of mathematical equipment utilized to solve uncertainty and certainty. The samples were 80 data of the applicants, 17 equivalent classes were found from it. The number of rules formed from the equivalent classes were 58 rules. The results of the accuracy-test show a value of 80% of the closeness between the predicted value and the actual value and more rules formed in the designed application, it means the results would be more accurate.