Purpose: The purpose of this study was to compare the safety and efficacy of submucosal-administered meperidine (SM) and oral-administered meperidine (OM). Both regimens were used in conjunction with oral hydroxyzine for the sedation of children for dental treatment. Methods: Twenty preschool-age children, with previous histories of uncooperative behavior, were randomly assigned to first receive a sedation regimen of either SM (0.5 mg/lb), or OM (I mg/lb), both with oral hydroxyzine (0.5 mg/lb). A cross-over design was utilized so that each child received both regimens. Safety was monitored through vital signs and side effects. Efficacy was measured with Houpt and Frankl behavior ratings. Results: Vital signs remained stable during both treatments. Differences noted were clinically insignificant. The major side effects reported during submucosal injection included pain (58%) and edema (26%). All blinded behavior ratings, in both sedation regimens, significantly improved from presedation Frankl ratings. No significant differences existed between treatments. Success was 63% in the SM group and 80% in the OM group. The percentages were not statistically significant (P=.219). C onclusions: Both methods of administration were found to be safe and effective for sedating uncooperative pediatric dental patients. Neither was significantly more effective or safer than the other.
Univ Alabama Birmingham, Depts Pediat Dent, Birmingham, AL 35294 USA
Case Western Reserve Univ, Cleveland, OH 44106 USAUniv Alabama Birmingham, Depts Pediat Dent, Birmingham, AL 35294 USA