On September 11, 2001, an airplane flown by terrorists crashed into the Pentagon, causing a mass casualty incident with 189 deaths and 106 persons treated for injuries in local hospitals. Nine burn victims and one victim with an inhalation injury only were transported to the burn center hospital. The Burn Center at Washington Hospital Center admitted and treated the acute burn patients while continuing its mission as the regional burn center for the Washington DC region. Eight of the nine burn patients survived. Lessons learned include 1) A large-volume burn center hospital can absorb nine acute burns and maintain burn center and hospital operations, but the decision to keep or transfer burn patients must be tempered with the reality that several large burns can double or triple the work load for 2 to 3 months. 2) Transfer decisions should have high priority and be timely to ensure optimum care for the patients without need for movement of medical personnel from one burn center to another. 3) The reserve capacity of burn beds in the United States is limited, and the burn centers and the American Burn Association must continue to seek recognition and support from Congress and the federal agencies for optimal preparedness.