Introduction: This study describes the first full year of independent practice by a newly appointed nurse endoscopist in a district general hospital. Patients and Methods: Patients underwent either 'one stop' flexible sigmoidoscopy and barium enema or flexible sigmoidoscopy alone. Barium enema results, video photography, clinical follow-up, and histology were used to validate the results of the flexible sigmoidoscopy. One stop clinic: 161 endoscopies were performed, with 104 female patients (65%), and a mean age of 64 years. There was one failed endoscopy due to poor bowel preparation. Abnormalities were identified in 84% of endoscopies. Flexible sigmoidoscopy detected abnormalities not seen on the barium enema in 28 cases, all of which were polyps (18%). Barium enema identified one abnormality within reach of the flexible sigmoidoscope not identified at endoscopy (small polyp in sigmoid; 1%). Elective flexible sigmoidoscopy list: 121 endoscopies were performed, with 65 female patients (54%), and a mean age of 59 years. There were two failed endoscopy procedures, both attributed to poor bowel preparation. Two-thirds of patients had an abnormality on investigation. There were no complications in either group of patients. Conclusions: The nurse-led endoscopy service has been successfully initiated with a high completion rate for flexible sigmoidoscopies. All significant conditions were identified with 99% sensitivity. Nurse endoscopy is a safe, useful and practical procedure in the setting of this district general hospital.