The intention of the present study is to scrutinize the three-dimensional MHD mixed convection flow of Casson nanofluid over an exponentially stretching sheet using the impacts of Hall and ion slip currents. Moreover, the impacts of thermal radiation and heat source are considered in this study. The governing partial differential equations are transformed into a system of joined nonlinear ordinary differential equations using similarity transformations, and they are solved numerically employing a spectral relaxation method (SRM). The obtained results are contrasted with existing specific cases, and a reasonable harmony is established. The impacts of noteworthy physical parameters on the velocities, thermal and concentration distributions, skin friction coefficients, local Nusselt number, and local Sherwood number are investigated graphically. It is found that the rise in Casson fluid and magnetic field parameters reduce the velocity profiles along both x- and y- directions while the reverse tendency is observed with an increment in Hall, ion slip, and mixed convection parameters. Moreover, the increase in both radiation and heat source parameters enhances the temperature profile. It is also observed that both the skin friction coefficients reduced with an increase in Casson fluid, Hall, and ion slip parameters. Furthermore, the local Nusselt number enhances with an augment in radiation parameter, whereas the opposite trends of local Nusselt and Sherwood numbers are found with an increase in heat source parameter.