The objective of this study was to investigate the clinical, haematological and biochemical changes in natural infected camels (Camelus dromedaries) with blood parasite Anaplasma marginale. A total of 62 camels 5-10 years old from both sexes were investigated 52 camels were naturally infected with Anaplasma marginale 10 clinically normal camels served as control the results indicated that the clinically infected camels showed signs of pale mucus membranes, loss of appetite, emaciation, diarrhea and or constipation, rough hair coat, lacrimation, coughing. Ticks were noticed and detected on several locations at the camels body. High body temperature, respiratory and heart rates were also recorded in addition to a reduction on ruminal contractions. The statistical analysis appeared significant decrease in the TRBCs, HB and PCV, while a significant increase in MCV and ESR were encountered in infected camels. Macrocytic normochromic type of anemia was registered and the percentage of parasitemia ranged between (5-11%). There were no significant difference encountered in clotting factors indices. The results also, indicated a significant increase in WBC as a result of significant increase and decrease in lymphocytes and neutrophiles, respectively. The biochemical changes revealed significant increase in AST, ALT, total bilirubin, BUN and icteric index, however significant decrease in total protein values were encountered in infected camels.