The aquaculture industry can play a key role in global food security; however, the lack of comprehensive implementation of effective biosecurity measures is preventing the sector from reaching its potential. Biosecurity begins with an evaluation of the risk of the introduction of pathogens from outside the system, as well as the spread of pathogenic agents within and from the culture system. This involves establishing a clear picture of the physical infrastructure of the system, systematically identifying the relevant pathways of transmission of pathogenic agents, analysing the risks associated with each pathway and implementing mitigation measures to minimise the risks. The farm biosecurity plan provides benefits that improve health and prevent disease-related losses through the use of best management practices, standard operating procedures, staff training, surveillance, emergency response plans, record keeping and audit of farm performance. Biosecurity supports gains in animal productivity, production and growth, thus ensuring the continuity of supply necessary for food security. Disease puts at risk the sector's resilience and reliability and will continue to limit aquaculture's contribution to global food security until comprehensive biosecurity programmes are in place. Responsibility for biosecurity is shared by all stakeholders. Overarching support from the national and international communities, including investment in innovative solutions, technological advancements and training and education, is required to achieve comprehensive global biosecurity. Implementation requires local leadership and meaningful engagement in the involved industries and communities. Each farmer must be enabled to prevent, detect and respond to disease events at the local level. Only by enabling the individual farmer can there be a decrease in the risk of disease issues becoming regional, national or international.