Purpose: To specifically examine infant feeding practices in a sample of young mothers. Study Design and Methods: A cross-sectional, descriptive/exploratory design with author-developed measures was used to assess maternal demographics, and knowledge of and practices related to infant (6-12 months of age) feeding. Results: Numerous inappropriate feeding practices were identified in this sample of predominately low-income, African American young mothers (n = 67). More than half (52%) of the mothers had a BMI >= 25, with 27% having a BMI >= 30. Most mothers attempted to breastfeed (53%), but only 25% breastfed beyond 6 months. Inappropriate food choices for infants (such as french fries), practices such as putting cereal in their babies' bottles (82%), and starting solid foods before 6 months of age (64%) were reported. In this study, a shift from a balanced diet including adequate fruits and vegetables toward less nutrient-dense foods occurred when infants were approximately 7 to 9 months of age. Clinical Implications: Most mothers in this study were overweight themselves, and had initiated less than optimal feeding practices in their young children. Given the identified relationship between a mother's diet and her infant's diet over time, it is clear that nurses should consider developing interventions to both promote early healthy infant feeding practices and assist young mothers to improve their nutrition simultaneously. Nurses can also target grandmothers and other family members who provide infant care in attempting to improve family nutrition.