In this study, it was aimed to evaluate the water quality of the Coruh Basin using BMWP (Biological Monitoring Working Party) index, ASPT (Average Score Per Taxon) index, Shannon-Wiener Diversity Index, EPT (Ephemeroptera Plecoptera Trichoptera taxa), EP (Ephemeroptera Plecoptera taxa) index scores and benthic macroinvertebrates. The benthic macroinvertebrates were collected from 54 stations at the Coruh basin between 2014-2016 years. Standard hand net (D-frame net) and Ekman-Birge grab were used as sampling tools. As a result of the diagnoses, a total of 7246 individuals belonging to Insecta, Crustacea, Mollusca, Oligochaeta and Plathyhelminthes were obtained. It was determined that the most dominant group was Insecta and the rarest group was Plathyhelminthes. It was observed that the BMWP score ranged between 5 and 94, and the lowest and highest number of families detected in the stations were 1 and 18, respectively. It was determined that the Shannon Wiener diversity index value was between 0.54-2.20, therefore the basin streams generally showed moderate pollution. The results of BMWP index show that the basin streams had mostly show 3rd and 4th class water quality and also biodiversity decreases with the deterioration of the riverbed or exposure to pollution.