One of the major challenges to the survival of life on earth is the increasingly evolving climate change. The key source of environmental pollution is global warming. With the combustion of fossil fuels, greenhouse gas (GHG), which is generated in the external environment, is increased and air pollutant as well. The present analysis key intention was to examine the CO2 emission and climatic effects on major agricultural crop production and land use in Pakistan. The study used time span annual data varies from 1970 to 2019, and data stationarity was rectify by utilizing the unit root tests. A generalized method of moments with two-stage least squares technique was applied to expose the variables' association with CO2 emission. The study consequences uncover that the wheat, maize, sugarcane, cotton, bajra, gram, sesamum crops, and land use have constructive association with CO2 emission having positive coefficients with probability values (0.3762), (0.0435), (0.2287), (0.2303), (0.2272), (0.0192), (0.4535), and (0.0017) correspondingly, while rainfall, temperature, rice, jowar, and barley uncovered an adversative linkage to CO2 emission in Pakistan. As Pakistan is an emerging country, potential constructive measures must be introduced in directive to reduce CO2 emissions to improve the agricultural productivity.