Objective. Given the complex and unclear etiology of neck pain, it is important to understand the differences in central sensitization as well as psychosocial factors in individuals with chronic neck pain and healthy controls. The purpose of this study was to benchmark differences in central sensitization, psychosocial factors, and range of motion between people with nonspecific chronic neck pain and healthy controls and to analyze the correlation between pain intensity, neck disability, and psychosocial factors in people with chronic neck pain. Methods. Thirty individuals with chronic neck pain and 30 healthy controls were included in this case-control study. Outcome measures were as follows: central sensitization (pressure pain threshold, temporal summation, and conditioned pain modulation), psychosocial factors (depressive symptoms, pain catastrophizing, and quality of life), and active cervical range of motion. Results. People with neck pain had lower local pressure pain threshold, a decrease in conditioned pain modulation, more depressive symptoms, greater pain catastrophizing, lower quality of life, and reduced range of motion for neck rotation compared with healthy controls. In people with neck pain, moderate correlations were observed between pain intensity and quality of life (rho = -0.479), disability and pain catastrophizing (rho = 0.379), and disability and quality of life (rho = -0.456). Conclusion. People with neck pain have local hyperalgesia, impaired conditioning pain modulation, depressive symptoms, pain catastrophizing, low quality of life, and reduced active range of motion during neck rotation, which should be taken into account during assessment and treatment. Impact. This study shows that important outcomes, such as central sensitization and psychosocial factors, should be considered during assessment and treatment of individuals with nonspecific chronic neck pain. In addition, pain intensity and neck disability are correlated with psychosocial factors.