Although most food-allergic reactions occur after ingestion of nonpackaged food products, the food industry has been subjected to increasing scrutiny of their allergen controls; the resulting impact on the industry has been remarkable. Undeclared food allergens have been responsible for many food product recalls during the past 13 years, and the food industry has made significant investment, effort, and improvements in allergen control during this time. Recently, tests for some allergenic foods have been commercialized, and proven useful to the industry in controlling allergens and helpful for regulatory agencies investigating food-allergic consumer complaints. However, testing methods still do not exist for some of the common allergenic foods. Labeling initiatives have been pursued to make ingredient listings more easily understood by food-allergic consumers, but further improvements could still be made. Additional research to determine eliciting doses for allergenic foods is needed to enable science-based risk assessment and risk management.
Mt Sinai Sch Med, Dept Pediat, Div Allergy & Immunol, Elliot Roslyn Jaffe Food Allergy Inst, New York, NY USAMt Sinai Sch Med, Dept Pediat, Div Allergy & Immunol, Elliot Roslyn Jaffe Food Allergy Inst, New York, NY USA