The correct definition of the desiccation time, aiming the balance between early maturity and tuber yield is important in the production of potatoes for fresh market. The objective of this study was to investigate the early yield and yield potential of the potato clone CL02-05. The experiment was carried out in the experimental field of Embrapa Produtos e Mercado (Embrapa Products and Market), Canoinhas, Santa Catarina state, Brazil, in the spring season ("rainy" season). Treatments consisted of four desiccation times (80, 90, 100, and 110 days after planting). The experimental design was of randomized complete blocks with three replications. The experimental plot consisted of four 10-plant rows. Ten days after desiccant paraquat application (Gramoxone, 2.5 L/ha), plots were harvested and tubers evaluated for yield component traits. Data were submitted to analysis of variance and of polynomial regression. Mass of marketable tubers of clone CL02-05 desiccated at 90 days after planting (DAP) (20.21 t/ha) was higher than that of 'Agata' desiccated at the same time (20.57 t/ha) and similar to 'Agata' desiccated at 100 DAP (20.57 t/ha). In the 100 and 110 DAP desiccations the mass of marketable tubers of clone CL02-05 (28.32 and 41.25 t/ha) also was significantly higher than that of 'Agata' (20.57 and 21.61 t/ha). The results suggest that, compared to 'Agata' which has a mass of marketable tubers optimized close to 100 DAP, the clone CL02-05 reached similar level at 90 DAP, offering greater early yield. The delay in the desiccation, however, enabled significant increases in marketable yield of tubers until at least the 110 DAP, confirming the high yield potential of clone CL02-05.