Radiation workers who inspect and repair steam generators during maintenance periods in nuclear power plants (NPPs) have a likelihood of high radiation exposure to their extremities, especially the hands, because of contact with radioactive materials. To estimate the personal dose equivalent, H-p(0.07) to an extremity, it is necessary for workers to wear extremity dosimeters, thermoluminescent dosimeters (TLD), on their fingers. In this article, the element correction and the personal dose equivalent response for two types of extremity dosimeters, Harshaw EXTRAD dosimeters and Panasonic UD-807 dosimeters, which are currently available at Korean NPPs, were calculated by calibration and irradiation tests. To provide the characteristics of the incident radiation field for contact tasks, the results of a radiation field test for inhomogeneous radiation fields in Korean NPPs were also introduced. Finally, on the basis of the results of calibration, irradiation, and radiation field tests, the application of element correction and personal dose equivalent response to extremity dosimeters for radiation workers at Korean NPPs was evaluated in terms of practical use.