Objective. The present study aims to identify the Brazilian Federal Universities that have already implemented the Brazilian Open Data Policy from Decree n. 8.777 / 2016, how many are already with data open in the national portal, and, what criteria are being followed to build their Open Data Plans (PDA), if there is an indication of evolution for Open Science, public transparency strand that is committed to dissemination of research data developed in academic institutions in Brazil. Method. The research was based on the bibliographic research of reference scientific articles on the subject and techniques of documentary analysis to study the open data plans available in the data portal (data.gov.br) to identify what kind of information the universities are making available. Results. According to the results, it was possible to verify that there are difficulties on the part of the institutions to comply with the national policy since only 42% of the Brazilian public universities are already with data in the portal. In some of them, it is identified that the schedule for opening the data was not put into practice in its entirety, most 58% still do not comply with what the policy advocates. Conclusions. The indicator of more than half of the universities outside the national data portal points out that the policy objective compromises the public transparency of these organizations. In the perspective of finding in the PDAs information that indicate the evolution of the Open Data for Open Science, it was not possible to identify any information for this evolution in the transparency of the institutions, it is suggested an in-depth study on this subject in all Brazilian federal universities.