Common bean ( Phaseolus vulgaris L.), an important food crop in Europe, America, Africa and Asia, is thought to fix only small amounts of atmospheric nitrogen. It contributes significantly to the sustainability of traditional cropping systems because of the predominance of small-scale farmers who cultivate beans in those areas. The objectives of this work were to evaluate bush bean varieties under common agronomic cropping systems and to evaluate breeding lines under low N-fertility sole cropping and intercropping systems. The purpose of the study was to characterize the genotype and cropping system's variability in symbiotic and plant characters and to identify the most suitable genotypes to establish an effective symbiosis with indigenous strains of Rhizobium. No significant differences among the bush bean varieties evaluated under typical fertilization practices were observed for N-2-fixation and plant traits except for seed nitrogen. Significant differences among the bean lines studied under low N-fertilization conditions were detected for plant growth, plant component and N-2-fixation traits. A significant interaction of bean genotype x cropping system was found for number of nodules per plant and nodule moisture on the bush bean varieties studied, and for days to emergence, days to flowering, end of flowering, shoot length, root dry weight and shoot nitrogen on the bean lines evaluated. Nodulation parameters were correlated positively with the yield components, shoot and root parts and duration of flowering, and correlated negatively with seed crude protein, pod and seed dimensions and seed dry weight. These observations indicate that it may be possible to increase both the symbiotic N-2-fixation and seed yield through plant breeding.