We aimed to assess surgeons' access to and use of medical information, as well as their training and perceptions about evidence-based medicine (EBM), in order to identify priority areas for improvement. An anonymous survey conducted among surgeons from the USA, Ghana, Peru, and Thailand examined access to, and use and perception of, medical literature. Of 307 participants, 98% reported access to "OK" or "good" internet. Fifty-one percent reported that language was a barrier to accessing needed medical information; most frequently in Peru (73%) and Thailand (64%). Access to priced full-text journals was poorest in Peru, where 54% lacked access, followed by Ghana (42%) and Thailand (32%). US respondents scored highest on the EBM knowledge test (1.4, SD 0.8), followed by Thailand (1.3, SD 0.9), Ghana (1.1, SD 0.8), and Peru (0.9, SD 0.8) (p < 0.001). Adjusted analysis revealed Ghanaians and Peruvians spent 5% and 1% more on medical information, respectively, relative to country income, than persons from other countries (p < 0.01). After adjustment, employment in a large and/or urban hospital and history of EBM training were associated with better EBM test scores, while middle-income origin and public hospital employment were associated with worse scores (p < 0.05). Language, access to priced full-text journals, and training are significant barriers to surgeons' practice of EBM globally. The way forward involves collaboration among surgical societies, publishers, hospital employers, and international policymakers in providing surgeons from all country income levels with the access and training necessary to interpret and apply medical information.