Max Weber and the Origins of the Sociology of Religion. The paper outlines brief characteristics of the fundamental problems of the sociology of religion, in the perspective of what effect religion has on society. the effect of society on religion, as well as in the perspective of the character of religion in the broadest sense. In this respect, there is a reference to unconventional religion and crypto religion. The author points out the danger of sociological and culturological simplification of religion and its legitimisation and compensation functions. The factors considered important For the origin of sociology are: the emancipation of sociology from the sphere of the philosophy of history - mainly historicism: dealing with the problem of the individual's integration into society, the awareness of the invisibility of societies, and the problem of social bonds, in the part dealing with prehistory of the sociology of religion, reference is given to Comte and Marx. The author mon: thoroughly discusses the contribution of Durkheim and Max Weber, and the further development of the discipline that has been influenced by the problems that have been studied by E. Troeltsch, J. Wach, G. Mensching, R. Bellah, P. L. Berger, T. Luckmann, D. Bell, R. R. Staufer. Ch. Y. Clock, N. Luhmann, and E. Gellner.