This study aimed to explore the food environment, according to the access to fruits and vegetables (FV), from the perspective of a great Brazilian metropolis, which is an international reference for public policies on food and nutritional security (SAN). We reviewed the literature and the official website that showed SAN and urban planning policies of Belo Horizonte-MG; we also built maps. In this city, SAN programs serve more than 1 million people a day, including initiatives to encourage food production, protection and promotion of food consumption, subsidized marketing of foods and meals, and food training. We found a concentration of shops selling FV - including those with public subsidies (open air markets and public farmers' markets) - in the richest region of the city, limiting the access of those living in the outskirts of the city. We also found territories with health promotion services (Health Academy Program). However, the increase in public and private farmers' markets, open air markets and supermarkets would be able to promote the access to healthy foods in the disadvantaged territories. These data show that civil society and government representatives must watch public policies, aiming to reduce inequities, and contribute to improve the quality of life and social well-being of the population, in addition to collaborate for sustainable food systems. We suggest that SAN public policies should dialogue with other policies, such as those ofurban planning, social welfare, and agriculture, to promote fairness and intersectorally meet the needs of more vulnerable communities.