Objective If individuals want to integrate health-enhancing physical activity in their everyday life, they need specific competences. This person-oriented study aimed to: 1) Identify patterns of physical activity-related health competence, 2) examine how structurally and individually stable these patterns are over 4 months and 3) test how changes in patterns are associated with changes in subjective health indicators. Materials and methods A total of 769 individuals (82% women, M-age & x202f;= 27 years) were recruited from exercise courses offered by university sport. Four facets of physical activity-related health competence (control competence for physical training, physical activity-specific affect regulation, self-determined motivation for exercise, physical activity-specific self-control) and subjective health (subjective vitality and perceived fitness) were measured twice. Patterns were identified using latent profile analysis. Their stability and associations with subjective health changes were examined with latent transition analyses and a configural frequency analysis. Results Seven patterns of physical activity-related health competence were identified. Besides three level patterns, four shape patterns were found with differing ratings across the studied variables (e.g. average values for control competence for physical training, self-determined motivation and physical activity-specific self-control, but a high level in physical activity affect regulation). These patterns proved to be structurally stable over time. In all, 72% of the individuals stayed in the same pattern, whereas 20% moved to a more and 8% to a less competent pattern. Changes in patterns are linked to change in subjective vitality and perceived fitness. Conclusion The results presented here demonstrate the added value of using a person-oriented approach to investigate development of physical activity-related health competence. Furthermore, they generate knowledge for designing tailored interventions.