The Gulf of Gdansk receives the waters of the Wisla (Vistula), the largest Polish river and the second largest river flowing into the Baltic Sea. Chloropigments a (chlorophyll a and its derivatives) were determined in water and sediments from the Gulf. Samples were collected during cruises of R.V. 'Oceania' at 19 stations located at different water depths and distances from the shore, in May (2003) and October (2004), i.e., at the beginning and at the end of the growing season, respectively. Seawater was also sampled on the beach at Sopot in June, July and August 2004, i.e., during the height of the growing season. All water samples were collected with a bathometer and passed through Whatman GF/F filters. Recent sediments (0-10 cm) were collected with a core sampler and divided into sub-samples (0-1 1-5 and 5-10 cm). The pigments were determined using HPLC-DAD. The results were first correlated with a set of parameters measured in situ during sample collection (salinity, temperature, oxygen content of seawater) and determined in the same material (organic carbon content, granulometry), then worked up statistically. Although this investigation shows that particular chloropigments a in recent sediments are indicative of the prevailing environmental conditions in the study area and the trends in their variations, they should be treated as a relative and not an absolute measure, since this is the first such study based on a large and coherent set containing both chloropigment a and environmental data. In addition, a chlorophyll a budget is estimated for the Gulf of Gdansk on the basis of the literature and the authors' own data. Only c. 10% of the chlorophyll a produced annually in the Gulf of Gdansk is transferred to sediments in the form of chloropigments a; 2.8% is in the form of undecomposed chlorophyll a and 7.2% in the form of chlorophyll a derivatives. About 90% of chlorophyll a is decomposed to colourless products. (c) 2007 Published by Elsevier Ltd.