The mass production optic industry in many Asian countries frequently employs human inspection lines to assess the yield of their volume-produced optic components. The testing of shape and radius for the quality assessment of such lenses or prismatic elements of average accuracy specification is traditionally performed by using Fizeau interferometers for visual inspection. This method typically does not allow the documentation and/or printing of inspection reports due to the lack of cost-intensive computer and printer periphery. Increasing accuracy as well as the rising importance of quality assessment in mass production requires the elimination of human error as well as the documentation and statistical analysis of the inspection results. FISBA OPTIK developed the mu Phase (R) smartgage, a new stand-alone metrology system to address exactly this need. This instrument meets the major demands of the mass production for touch-of-a-button inspection, reliable pass/fail analysis, storage of measurement results and low investment costs. The compact unit is designed with the potential to replace visual human-inspection instruments for large-volume testing of relative shape accuracy and radius of curvature. The novel, small-footprint instrument is a stand-alone system with a fully integrated computing and display unit, sample alignment stage, touch-screen operation and optional connectivity for data export. This instrument offers simple, fast, reliable and vibration-insensitive measurement of shape deviation on flat and spherical optical components as well as relative radius of curvature. We present the measurement principle, the method of use and application, the measurement data presentation and data export capabilities. Application areas for the mu Phase (R) smartgage include testing of digital camera lenses, cell phone camera lenses, general purpose spherical lenses and flats of diameters up to one inch.