There exists a huge demand gap for grid storage to couple the sustainable green energy systems. Due to the natural abundance and potential low cost, sodium-ion storage, especially sodium-ion battery, has achieved substantive advances and is becoming a promising candidate for lithium-ion counterpart in large-scale energy storage. As an important family, titanium-based materials, especially titanates have shown versatile applications in rechargeable batteries due to their advantages, which include excellent stability, high abundance, low cost, and being environmentally benign. Here, the recent advances of sodium-ion storage based on titanate anode materials are reviewed, including sodium-ion batteries, sodium-ion capacitors, and dual-ion batteries. This review aims to understand the design principle and sodium-ion storage mechanism of titanate electrodes. A brief perspective of the impediments and opportunities for titanium-based sodium ion storage is finally presented. (c) 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.