In this paper, we propose three generalized estimators, namely, generalized unrestricted estimator (GURE), generalized stochastic restricted estimator (GSRE), and generalized preliminary test stochastic restricted estimator (GPTSRE). The GURE can be used to represent the ridge estimator, almost unbiased ridge estimator (AURE), Liu estimator, and almost unbiased Liu estimator. When stochastic restrictions are available in addition to the sample information, the GSRE can be used to represent stochastic mixed ridge estimator, stochastic restricted Liu estimator, stochastic restricted almost unbiased ridge estimator, and stochastic restricted almost unbiased Liu estimator. The GPTSRE can be used to represent the preliminary test estimators based on mixed estimator. Using the GPTSRE, the properties of three other preliminary test estimators, namely preliminary test stochastic mixed ridge estimator, preliminary test stochastic restricted almost unbiased Liu estimator, and preliminary test stochastic restricted almost unbiased ridge estimator can also be discussed. The mean square error matrix criterion is used to obtain the superiority conditions to compare the estimators based on GPTSRE with some biased estimators for the two cases for which the stochastic restrictions are correct, and are not correct. Finally, a numerical example and a Monte Carlo simulation study are done to illustrate the theoretical findings of the proposed estimators.