Background: Group-based formats typically used in low-resource substance use disorder (SUD) treatment settings result in little individual attention to help reinforce and guide skill use, which may contribute to poor posttreatment outcomes. Smartphone apps offer a convenient, user-friendly, and cost-effective tool that can extend the reach of effective SUD treatments. A smartphone app was developed and integrated into a group-based, brief behavioral activation (BA) treatment for SUD to increase engagement in treatment skills outside clinician-administered sessions. Objective: This study aims to describe the features of the app and its use and integration into treatment, report the participants' self-reported feasibility and acceptability of the app, and discuss challenges and provide recommendations for future smartphone app integration into behavioral treatments for SUD. Methods: A total of 56 individuals recruited from intensive outpatient SUD treatment received a smartphone-enhanced BA treatment, the Life Enhancement Treatment for Substance Use. Self-reported weekly app use and reasons for nonuse were assessed at posttreatment and at 1- and 3-month follow-ups. In addition, 2-tailed t tests and chi-square tests compared the self-reported use of each app component and overall app use over time. Results: Participant feedback suggested that the integration of the smartphone app into the Life Enhancement Treatment for Substance Use was feasible and well accepted, and participants found the app useful for planning value-based activities outside of sessions. Self-reported app engagement decreased over the follow-up period: 72% (39/54) of participants reported using the app at posttreatment, decreasing to 69% (37/54) at the 1-month follow-up and 37% (20/54) at the 3-month follow-up. Participants reported forgetting to use the app as a primary reason for nonuse. Conclusions: This study provides support for the feasibility and acceptability of smartphone-enhanced BA treatment, offering promise for future research testing the integration of technology into SUD treatment. Design decisions may help streamline smartphone integration into treatment, for example, allowing participants to download the treatment app on their own phones or use a low-cost study smartphone (or offering both options). Long-term app engagement may be increased via built-in reminders, alerts, and in-app messages.