In this study, the delamination status of a display in response to a pad-drop impact is investigated using a computer simulation. Furthermore, reliability of display delamination and stress is assessed, considering the uncertainty factors such as material properties and noise that affect the degree of delamination. Considering that adhesive properties of optical clear adhesive are required to observe the degree of delamination, cohesive zone model is formed, and cohesive parameters are determined by comparing the results of peel test and finite element analysis. In this process, statistical model calibration and validation comprising three steps is employed: uncertainty propagation, statistical model calibration, and statistical model validation. The probability distributions of adhesive properties obtained by this model are compared with those obtained by a deterministic model. The result reveals that the statistical model calibration and validation decreases the cost while retaining the predictive capability. In addition, the reliability of display delamination is evaluated, considering the adhesive properties and the experimental conditions having uncertainties as variables. Based on the variables, the uncertainty of the response function is propagated, and the delamination probability is predicted. The study helps establish that the failure of display delamination in the case of a pad drop simulation can be predicted statistically through reliability assessment.