Production planning in manufacturing industries is concerned with the determination of the production quantities (lot sizes) of some items over a time horizon, in order to satisfy the demand with minimum cost, subject to some production constraints. In general, production planning problems become harder when different types of constraints are present, such as capacity constraints,minimum lot sizes, changeover times, among others. Models incorporating some of these constraints yield, in general, NP-hard problems. We consider a single-machine, multi-item lot-sizing problem, with those difficult characteristics. There is a natural mixed integer programming formulation for this problem. However, the bounds given by linear relaxation are in general weak, so solving this problem by LP based branch and bound is inefficient. In order to improve the LP bounds, we strengthen the formulation by adding cutting planes. Several families of valid inequalities for the set of feasible solutions are derived, and the corresponding separation problems are addressed. The result is a branch and cut algorithm, which is able to solve some real life instances with 5 items and up to 36 periods.