During the prenatal development of the hippocampus, microglial cell precursors progressively occur in all subfields in accordance with known ontogenetic gradients of the region (Dalmau et al., J.. Comp. Neurol. 1997a;377:70-84). The present study follows the regional distribution of these microglial cell precursors and their morphological differentiation in the rat hippocampus from birth to postnatal (P) day 18. The results demonstrate that the cellular differentiation and the subregional distribution of microglia follow the specific developmental gradients of the different parts of Ammon's horn and the dentate gyrus. Microglial cell distribution in the dentate gyrus is thus delayed compared with that in Ammon's horn. The appearance of microglia in the hippocampal subregions and differentiation of cell precursors into adult microglia occur earlier at temporal levels than at septal levels. Distribution of microglial cells follows an outside-to-inside pattern from the hippocampal fissure to the main cell layers in either Ammon's horn or the dentate gyrus. Meanwhile, the resident microglial cells located in the stratum oriens and dentate hilus at birth also increase in number and gradually disperse throughout the whole tissue of the two layers with age. In Ammon's horn, microglial differentiation occurs earlier in CA3 than in CA1. In the dentate gyrus, microglia appear earlier in relation to the external limb than to the internal limb, largely following a lateral-to-medial gradient. The differentiation and appearance of microglia in the various hippocampal and dentate subregions often correspond to the developmental stage of intrinsic and extrinsic afferent nerve fiber projections. Finally, in both Ammon's horn and the dentate gyrus, cells resembling reactive microglia are also observed and, in particular, in the perforant path projections from P9 to P18, suggesting their participation not only in phagocytosis of dead cells but also in axonal elimination and/or fiber reorganization. (C) 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.