Cuba is a nation with a high dependence on imported energy. About 53% of its energy is supplied by imported fuels. On the other hand, its location in the Caribbean Sea offers excellent geographical features for efficient exploitation of renewable energy resources. This article details the state of renewable energy development in Cuba, in terms of its sources, utilization, prospects and energy policy. At present, renewable energy in exploitation reaches around 2.042 million tonnes of oil equivalent, which is about 54.5% of Cuban annual crude oil production in 2009, and a total installed capacity of 400 MW, contributing about 4% of the national electricity generation. The main energy sources are concentrated in biomass (99.3%), followed by hydroelectric energy (0.6%), and in lesser proportions solar energy (photovoltaic and thermal; 0.06%) and wind energy (0.04%). The relevant points of the Renewable Energy Development Plan 2010-2030 include: the implementation of research and development projects on renewable energy technologies, infrastructure and technological capacities, development of human resources, use of different financing models, and encouragement of private sector investment Also, the Cuban government announced its desire to reach a goal of 2,075 MW installed from renewable energy by 2030, which will cover approximately 24% of the national electrical energy production.