Purpose: Robust detection of implanted fiducials is essential for monitoring intrafractional motion during hypofractionated treatment. The authors developed a plan optimization strategy to ensure clear visibility of implanted fiducials and facilitate 3D localization during volumetric modulated arc therapy (VMAT). Methods: Periodic kilovoltage (kV) images were acquired at 20 degrees gantry intervals and paired with simultaneously acquired 4.4 degrees short arc megavoltage digital tomosynthesis (MV-DTS) to localize three fiducials during VMAT delivery for hypofractionated prostate cancer treatment. Beginning with the original optimized plan, control point segments where fiducials were consistently blocked by multileaf collimator (MLC) within each 4.4 degrees MV-DTS interval were first identified. For each segment, MLC apertures were edited to expose the fiducial that led to the least increase in the cost function. Subsequently, MLC apertures of all control points not involved with fiducial visualization were reoptimized to compensate for plan quality losses and match the original dose-volume histogram. MV dose for each MV-DTS was also kept above 0.4 MU to ensure acceptable image quality. Different imaging (gantry) intervals and visibility margins around fiducials were also evaluated. Results: Fiducials were consistently blocked by the MLC for, on average, 36% of the imaging control points for five hypofractionated prostate VMAT plans but properly exposed after reoptimization. Reoptimization resulted in negligible dosimetric differences compared with original plans and outperformed simple aperture editing: on average, PTV D98 recovered from 87% to 94% of prescription, and PTV dose homogeneity improved from 9% to 7%. Without violating plan objectives and compromising delivery efficiency, the highest imaging frequency and largest margin that can be achieved are a 10 degrees gantry interval, and 15 mm, respectively. Conclusions: VMAT plans can be made to accommodate MV-kV imaging of fiducials. Fiducial visualization rate and workflow efficiency are significantly improved with an automatic modification and reoptimization approach. (C) 2016 American Association of Physicists in Medicine.