Characterization of the surface coverage and thickness of an organic thin film is particularly important in organic electronics and optoelectronics. For surface coverage down to the submonolayer level there is still a need for characterization methods which are easily applicable. In the present work we report on the evaluation of laser desorption mass spectrometry (LD-MS) for its use in thickness determination of organic thin films. Whereas LD-MS is well established as a soft ionization method for small molecules, its capability for use in quantitative analysis is nearly unexplored. We carried out experiments with two different molecules, 7,7,8,8-tetracyanoquinodimethane and hexabenzocoronene, in a series of experiments with increasing surface coverage. The obtained data were analyzed by plotting the LD signal intensities versus the relative layer thickness and they reveal a nonlinear behavior, which can be classified into regions of different desorption/ionization efficiencies. Visualization by atomic force microscopy reveals that the first efficiency change corresponds to the transition between incomplete and complete coverage of the metal surface by analyte molecules. A second transition is observed at high layer thickness where the signal intensity stays constant, independent of further thickness increments, and this is attributed to the limited penetration depth of the laser beam. The intermediate region between the two transitions shows a linear behavior and can thus be used for semi-quantitative thickness measurements. The efficiency change observed at the point of complete surface coverage is particularly useful for thin layer preparation of organic field effect transistors, where complete surface coverage is a minimum requirement. Copyright (C) 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.