This paper reviews the literature regarding the treatment of phobic avoidance in individuals with intellectual disabilities. Criteria for classifying interventions as empirically supported, developed by the American Psychological Association (APA) Division 12 Task Force on Promotion and Dissemination of Psychological Procedures, were used. For studies employing single case experimental designs, criteria developed by APA Division 16 (Kratochwill & Stoiber, 2002; Shernoff, Kratochwill, & Stoiber, 2002) were used to supplement Division 12 criteria. Results indicate that behavioral treatment can be designated as a well-established treatment for phobic avoidance in individuals with intellectual disabilities.
Univ Calif Santa Barbara, Dept Educ, Counseling Clin Sch Psychol Program, Santa Barbara, CA 93106 USAUniv Calif Santa Barbara, Dept Educ, Counseling Clin Sch Psychol Program, Santa Barbara, CA 93106 USA