The quality of the water from Lake Bosomtwe was assessed to aid in the conservation decision on the lake. Twenty-six parameters of physico-chemical, bacteriological, and organic effects and major and trace ions were evaluated using the principal component analysis. The levels of these parameters were also compared with surface water benchmarks of Ghana EPA, WHO, EU, US EPA and CCEM. As prescribed by the benchmarks of these regulatory bodies, the mean levels of temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen, total suspended solids, total dissolved solids, nitrates, phosphate, biochemical oxygen demand, chemical oxygen demand, total hardness, conductivity, alkalinity, turbidity and fluorine did not signal any lake pollution, but sulphate, total and faecal coliforms, chlorophyll-a, cadmium and mercury showed pollution tendencies. Temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen, total suspended solids, total dissolved solids, nitrates, phosphate, sulphate and total coliform bacteria were found to be the main parameters that drive 71.2% of the limnological characteristics of the lake water and deserve careful consideration in designing conservation strategies for the lake.