In the introduction of this study, the concept of "psychoeducational parent training" is analyzed, and an outline of the research literature on "parent training in families with autistic children" is presented. Based on these findings a psychoeducational group parent training, which, focused on (1) addressing issues of nature, etiology, treatment and family-related consequences of autism (2) teaching child management and education skills was developed, and the training outcomes were evaluated within a 3-months-follow-up design. A total of 24 parents of 23 autistic children (mean age: 9 yrs.) participated in the center-based training program which was performed in three small groups in different areas of Germany in 3 one-day sessions succeeding in 1-month-intervals. The outcome variables included: (a) group training assessments by parents; they evaluated quality of trainer variables, curriculum, and, group atmosphere using a questionnaire format of-bipolar rating scale-items (b) parental,3-months-follow-up assessments of the-effects of group training on parent-child interactions and family adaptation, using a questionnaire based on rating scales, and a semi-structured questionnaire on training-related child and parent behaviors in the family. The parent training resulted in (a) a high degree of parent satisfaction with the training format and (b) positive effects on daily parent-child interactions from the perspective of parents. These findings provide some evidence for both clinical and social validity:of the parent training procedure examined in this study.