This study was conducted to investigate the effect of ground or whole wheat and triticale on productive performance, egg quality, gastrointestinal tract (GIT) traits and nutrient digestibility in laying Japanese quails. A total of 210 laying Japanese quails at 18 to 26 weeks of age were used. The experiment was designed as a 2 x 2 + 1 factorial arrangement with five treatments: a control diet was based on corn and soybean meal, two grain sources (wheat and triticale) and two physical forms of grain (ground and whole). Each treatment was replicated 6 times and the experimental unit was a cage with 7 birds each. Egg production, egg weight, egg mass, and feed conversion ratio were not affected by grain source, except for the average daily feed intake (ADFI), which was decreased by triticale but not wheat (P=0513). Average daily feed intake and egg production were higher in the group fed with whole grain versus the group fed with ground grain (P<0.05). Yolk color decreased by wheat or triticale compared with the control group (P<0.05). Relative weights of the liver, proventriculus, pancreas, gizzard and cecum were not affected by any of the treatments. The pH of the jejunum (P=0.0014), cecum (P<0.05), and intestinal viscosity increased (P<0.001) by feeding whole than ground grain. Dry matter digestibility (P<0.01), decreased by triticale but not wheat (P<0.05). In conclusion, ground triticale inclusion in the diet had a negative effect on ADFI, egg production and nutrient digestibility but feeding whole grain improved the productive performance and dry matter digestibility in laying quails.