The gas market, its segments, including the use of this resource in the energy sector in Poland, has been undergoing continuous changes aiming at its further liberalisation. In this respect, together with liberalisation, we can expect the weakening of the position of the companies domineering at this market, which can consequently lead to the stabilisation of the gas prices. What can help in this respect is creating the EU common natural gas market, which requires a number of new initiatives, including the implementation of effective competition. The current changes to the Polish energy law must include the harmonisation of regulations, determination of principles related to the introduction of changes and the scope and extent of opening of the market to competition taking into account the potential lack of stability of gas prices. The article presents the main segments of the Polish gas market i.e. the natural gas market as well as the liquefied, compressed, shale, biogas market and the use of gas in the energy sector. Moreover, some information was provided regarding natural gas resources and its consumption in the European Union and in Poland.