BACKGROUND Pediatric trauma patients are treated at adult trauma centers (ATCs), mixed pediatric and ATCs (MTC), or pediatric trauma centers (PTCs). Shock index, pediatric age-adjusted (SIPA) can prospectively identify severely injured children. This study characterized the differences in mortality and hospital length of stay (LOS) among pediatric trauma patients with elevated SIPA (eSIPA) at different trauma centers types. METHODS Pediatric patients (1-14 years) were queried from the 2013 to 2016 National Trauma Data Bank. Patients with eSIPA were included for analysis. The primary outcome was mortality. Secondary outcomes included rates of splenectomy, computed tomography chest scans, laparotomy, and hospital LOS. Unadjusted frequencies and multivariable regression analyses were performed. An alpha level of 0.01 was used to determine significance. RESULTS Out of 189,003 pediatric trauma patients, 15,832 were included for analysis. After controlling for age, race, sex, payment method, Injury Severity Score, Glasgow Coma Scale score, hospital teaching status, and number of hospital beds, there was no significant difference in mortality among eSIPA patients at ATCs (odds ratio [OR], 0.753; p = 0.078) and MTCs (OR, 1.051; p = 0.776) when compared with PTCs. This remained true even among the most severely injured eSIPA patients (Injury Severity Score > 25). Splenectomy rates were higher at ATCs (OR, 3.234; p = 0.005), as were computed tomography chest scan rates (ATC OR, 4.423; p < 0.001; MTC OR, 6.070; p < 0.001) than at PTCs. There was a trend toward higher splenectomy rates at MTCs (OR, 2.910; p = 0.030) compared with PTCs, but this did not reach statistical significance. Laparotomy rates and hospital LOS were not significantly different. CONCLUSION Among eSIPA pediatric trauma patients, there was no difference in mortality between trauma center types. However, other secondary findings indicate that specialty care at PTCs may help optimize the care of pediatric trauma patients.