The article reveals the legal, organizational, methodological and substantive aspects of the Concept of psychological support of professional training of police officers in departmental universities.These aspects are structured in a consistent description of the following six sections of the Concept: 1) General provisions: a description of the purpose of the Concept and the regulatory legal basis for its implementation; 2) the current state of psychological work in educational organizations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs: analyzes and highlights the existing problems in the practice of psychologists of departmental education; 3) the goals, objectives and principles of the Concept: outlines the purpose of this Concept, namely, the development of the system of psychological work in the educational institutions of the MIA of Russia; this objective is achieved by addressing a number of tasks and taking into account the principles presented in the description section; 4) the implementation of the Concept: outlines the content of the main information blocks reflecting procedural characteristics, conditions and factors of implementation of the Concept; 5) main activities: reviews the areas of psychological work through the prism of such activities as education, prevention, diagnosis, counseling, correction and training; 6) assessment of efficiency: describes the following criteria and indicators of the effectiveness of psychological support: practical and effective, optimal in terms of activity, motivational and predictive.