The rapid depletion of fossil fuel and growing demand necessitates researchers to find alternative fuels which are clean and sustainable. The need for finding renewable, low cost and environmentally friendly fuel resources can never be understated. An efficient method of generation and storage of hydrogen will enable automotive manufacturers to introduce hydrogen fuelled engine in the market. In this paper, a conventional DI diesel engine was modified to operate as gas engine. The intake manifold of the engine was supplied with hydrogen along with recirculated exhaust gas and air. The injection rates of hydrogen were maintained at three levels with 2 L/min, 4 L/min, 6 L/min and 8 L/min and 10 L/min with an injection pressure of 2 bar. Many of the combustion parameters like heat release rate (HRR), ignition delay, combustion duration, rate of pressure rise (ROPR), cumulative heat release rate (CHR), and cyclic pressure fluctuations were measured. The HRR peak pressure decreased with the increase in EGR rate, while combustion duration increased with the EGR rate. The cyclic pressure variation also increased with the increase in EGR rate.