Over the years, abuse in women and children is rising due to several technological, social environment, and psychological factors, however, abuse reporting system with analytics is relatively adopted and unexplored in developing countries, such as the Philippines. This study aims to investigate user acceptance of abuse reporting system with analytics. This study used the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology, as a lens to understand user acceptance, through a survey conducted in the Philippines. Hypotheses are tested using multiple regression and relationships among the constructs. This study found that performance expectancy, effort expectancy, and facilitating condition have a significant positive influence to predict behavioral intention to use the abuse reporting system with analytics, while, social influence has no significant positive influence on behavioral intention to use the abuse reporting systems with analytics. The moderating role of gender was observed for the relationships between effort expectancy, social influence, and behavioral intention. On the other hand, gender does not affect the relationships between performance expectancy, facilitating condition, and behavioral intention to use the abuse reporting system with analytics. Moreover, the moderating role of age was observed for the relationships between performance expectancy, effort expectancy, facilitating condition, and behavioral intention. However, the relationship between social influence and behavioral intention was not moderated by age. Practical and research implications are presented.