The geopolitical situation in the modern world has a significant impact on the processes of globalization. We cannot but recognize that the dynamically changing conditions of the modern world community directly affect the economic, political, social and cultural spheres of individual states. Various events of world or national scale, change of regimes and governments, religious disagreements and wars, territorial conflicts and confrontations, crises in power structures, even the characteristic behavior of public personalities- all this imposes their peculiarities on the vector of development of the economy of the country. This is an objectively existing attribute of globalization, manifested as a phenomenon of gigantic world "melting pot". However, the tendency of fading of inter-ethnic and interstate borders, which has always been characteristic of globalization processes is seriously resisted from the part of some countries, regions or politicians. The phenomena of unification and identification derive everywhere, intersecting or going parallel to each other. That is, on the one hand, there is an increase in the openness of the world economy, the merging of cultural and social spheres, on the other hand, there is a course on localization, which approves the national uniqueness of countries. This trend is reinforced by the uneven distribution of economic resources in a wide range of factors: natural, physical, geographic, social, historical, ethnic and others. Consequently, diversification of the economic structure of a number of countries predetermines their place in the world ranking. In such circumstances, increasing the competitiveness of the national economy in any state is put in a number of priority tasks, which contribute to the strengthening of positions in the world economy and ensuring the necessary level of economic security. The methodology of this research is based on the analysis of common scientific approaches to modern socio-economic problems. In particular, the widely adapted method of descriptions of processes with the use of historical comparisons and generalizations by means of dialecticalmaterialistic analysis. In the course of the research various variants of combinations of means of scientific cognition were used, namely analysis, synthesis, comparison, systematization, classification and others. Thus, the presentation of the authors ' point of view is based on confirmation of the existing theory of principles of systematic approach to the study of processes and phenomena in modern global economic life. Empirical Base is based on official statistics, facts of periodicals and results of personal researches of authors.